Saturday, July 25, 2009


A few years back I spent a short amount of time working in China. So many amazing projects, very clever architects and designers operating in China. One firm I was not familiar with - MAD . Lost on the net today I found their web site and images of built & conceptual work - wow! Check it out - some great smaller projects as well as these crazy concepts below.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I have good intentions about talking about building design and then I get distracted.
Its happened again, this time just a new gadget. Looks really cool if mixing tunes is your thing.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


If you have 4 minutes to spare and you love a great voice check this version of the U2 song One, you must turn it up!

london inc

Just came across these images of this amazing sculpture which is apparently part of a promotion for a new reality tv show "London Inc" for the Discovery Channel. Very clever.